Paint a Bag

Paint a Bag

Translating Awareness Into Practice
‘Paint A Bag’ engages schools and colleges in a creative campaign to reduce single-use plastic bag consumption. When a child takes up the task of painting their own bag, it transforms into a canvas of creativity and conscience. The act of personalizing the bag fosters a deep attachment, and the child begins to view it not just as a utility but as a cherished possession. This affectionate bond does not stop with the child; it extends to their parents and grandparents as well. When they witness the enthusiasm and passion with which their young ones embellish these bags, they, too, develop a sense of pride and responsibility. The bag becomes a symbol of shared values within the family, encapsulating the importance of sustainability and environmental consciousness. Through ‘Paint A Bag,’ the Why Waste Wednesdays Foundation not only reduces plastic bag consumption but also fosters a sense of environmental stewardship that transcends age and backgrounds. It is a beautifully interconnected journey, where each painted bag tells a unique story of love for the planet and a commitment to a greener future. Municipal Corporation of Delhi and NSS, College of Vocational Studies is a partner in this initiative. We have covered over 500 students through this initiative till date.